Rama Krishna Edara





Rama Krishna Edara





About Me

Hello! I’m Rama Krishna Edara.

I have created this website to share my views about the Stock Market.

MarketswithRK.com consists of several different things on stock markets. It consists of articles that investors must know and video content on stock markets. This web site deals variety of topics including articles about Indian stock markets, how the stocks and indices moving, book reviews, economic policy, personal finance and more.

I have designed this site for both the beginner and advanced investors. I think this website can provide valuable information for all different classes of investors. It gives every one a great learning experience.

This website is for you the investor so please tell me your suggestions for improving the site. You can email me at marketswithrk@gmail.com subject suggestions.

Thanks for taking the time to visit the site. I would not be running this site if it did not get visitors. Each minute you spend here is worth investing.

So thank you and enjoy!

Mentorship Program

Program Details


One Month Program
Monday to Friday
9 AM to 5 PM
Kondapur Office
Get in Touch
  • Address: G5, Vegesna Securities Private Limited, HIVE SPACE, 2.0,Whitefields, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500084
  • Email: marketswithrk@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91 99631 15515
  • Twitter @marketswithrk
May 26, 2023 So You Want To Be A Trader?

Trading is not all math. It’s not just a system you plug into a chart or a path to easy…